Chronic health issues and illnesses kept me in bondage for 14 years. It made me feel isolated, lonely, and hopeless. Learning and believing the truth about chronic pain and other chronic conditions helped to set me free. If you are struggling with chronic conditions, I would love to help you. I am a certified life coach, with a focus on mind-body syndrome. Using my own personal experience and training, I will help you find freedom from the lies that have kept you in bondage. You are not alone!

Kristina Carlton
What others are saying...
"Coaching with Kristina has been such a blessing in my life and a game changer in my healing journey. I had done some brain retraining in the past and had made some progress in certain areas before working with her, but I still felt stuck in a lot of ways, especially emotionally. I was in a really dark place at the time. She helped me connect the missing pieces and things finally started falling into place.
Kristina has a gift for seeing potential in people and helping them see that for themselves. She believed in me every step of the way and helped me to start believing in myself. Through her directing me to the truth, I learned that God truly wants us well and He wants us to walk in healing and wholeness and freedom.
We worked on identity in Christ and taking authority over the enemy. She taught me tools to take thoughts captive, reframe the lies with the truth, and how to effectively process emotions. For the first time in my life, I started learning how to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. And I made more progress in a few months with her than I did in years and years of therapy.
There have been a lot of ups and downs in my journey, and through it all, Kristina has continued to fight with me and for me. She has celebrated with me, encouraged me, prayed for me and loved me right where I was. She also loved me enough to say the hard things and push me out of my comfort zone. She never let me give up. Through all of this, I was able to step out of the victimhood I had lived in for so long and finally step into the victory that we have in Jesus.
Kristina’s knowledge, experience, willingness and love for Jesus helped her find freedom. Now she’s using all of that to help others find freedom, too. And for that, I am grateful. Her love, support, and guidance has changed my life. And I thank God that I made a lifelong friend in the process. ♥️" - Christie
"Kristina Carlton is a strong compassionate coach. She will lead you and guide you into a completely new way of life. She imparts knowledge in a way that anyone can grasp the concepts of TMS. She has been a supportive coach and has become a friend with a passion for helping people heal." - Teresa
"Kristina is a caring and compassionate coach, filled with the knowledge of God’s Word. I wanted to speak with Kristina to rewire some old, incorrect beliefs I had about God’s Word and His healing promises. The way Kristina shared her insights and biblical knowledge, I realized that I had believed teachings about God and His healing that simply weren’t correct. Her explanation and truth message felt like a veil was pulled off my eyes and I could suddenly see clearly for the first time. I highly recommend Kristina as a coach to anyone seeking to better understand God’s Word and His healing promises for you, especially if you are struggling with chronic symptoms." - Stacey
"Kristina's knowledge and wisdom of the Mind-Body-Spirit connections and her unique way of teaching me has helped tremendously in my perspective about what effects the things I have experienced in the past and present don't necessarily have to affect my future. For that, I am very grateful and blessed through her!" - Jenny
"Kristina is the most patient, compassionate, kind and loving mentor/coach I've ever had. Did I mention patient? I have been a slow learner and she has just been there for me through it all, even when I ask the same questions over and over. She most definitely exhibits the fruits of the Spirit in everything she says and does for me." - Amanda
Ways I can help you...
Single Session
One 50-Minute Zoom Session
Follow-Up E-Mail w/Action Plan
Email Support up to One Week After the Session
Expires 1 Month after Purchase
One-on-One Coaching
Three 50-Minute Zoom Sessions
Follow-Up E-Mail w/Action Plan
Email Support up to One Week After the Last Session
Expires 3 Months after Purchase
Six 50-Minute Zoom Sessions
Follow-Up Email w/Action Plan
Email Support up to One Week After the Last Session
Expires 6 Months after Purchase